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Here you'll find our Frequently Asked Questions. If you can't find the answer to your question, please feel free to contact us.


Please note that you also can find some more technical information about the DAQS Assist plugin in the advanced information guide.

What does the DAQS Assist plugin offer?

With the DAQS Assist plugin, you are able to scan your models within Revit on certain rules.

What version should I install?

Basically, that's up to you. But here is some context to help you with your decision:

  • SingleUser: This installs the plugin in the user's specific directory, by default the %AppData%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\[REVIT_VERSION]\Daqs.Assist\ directory. The plugin will only be available to the user who installed it. Other users on the same machine will not have access to the plugin.
  • MultiUser: This install the plugin in a common directory, by default the %ProgramData%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\[REVIT_VERSION]\Daqs.Assist\ directory. The plugin will be available to all users on the machine. Any user who logs into the machine will have access to the plugin.

What Revit version is supported?

We currently support Revit versions from 2021 through 2024...

Will 2025 be supported?

Yes! Our goal is to support all new upcoming releases of Revit.

What is this structure of Projects, Analysis Types and Rules?

The structure of the DAQS Assist plugin involves three key components: Projects, Analysis Types, and Rules.

Projects: Projects are overarching entities that contain one or more Analysis Types. Each project represents a specific endeavor or task within our system.

Analysis Types: Analysis Types serve as containers for grouping related Rules. For example, under an Analysis Type named "DAQS," we gather rules pertinent to working with Revit. Similarly, "MEP" encompasses rules related to MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) aspects, while "ILS O&E" houses rules specific to the Dutch ILS (Information Delivery Manual) for Operation & Maintenance. Additionally, we can tailor Analysis Types to suit the unique needs of your company.

Rules: Rules are individual guidelines or criteria that dictate specific actions or considerations within a project. These rules are organized under Analysis Types, making it easier to manage and access relevant information.

When you select a Project in the Assist, you're presented with a collection of Rules grouped under various Analysis Types. This structure ensures that you have access to the necessary guidelines and criteria applicable to your project, facilitating efficient and effective project management and analysis.

Can you export the results

Currently, there is no Export functionality available within the UI. However, there is an alternative method to store the latest results on your disk. To enable this feature, you need to modify a setting in the Plugin's appsettings.json file. Follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Locate the appsettings.json file within the Plugin directory. (Also see this link.)
  2. Find the section labeled ResultsOutput.
  3. Within this section, set Enabled to true to activate the export functionality.
  4. Specify the directory where you want to store the results by modifying the Directory field. For example:
    "Enabled": true,
    "Directory": "C:\\some-location\\"

Ensure that you provide the correct directory path.

By following these steps, you can enable the storage of results on your disk, providing a workaround for exporting the data directly from the UI. For more detailed instructions and information, refer to this link..

Why do the Open, Crop, Select, Type props, Edit buttons not always work?

Based on the Type what is selected, these buttons will be enabled or disabled. For example: you can not Crop a Revit Family, but you can Crop a Revit Instance.

Why are the Results are not grouped or sorted?

By default, our system automatically sorts the results by Rule name. You can further organize the results manually by clicking on the column headers. Clicking a header once sorts the column in ascending order, while clicking it again sorts the column in descending order. This feature allows you to tailor the display of results according to your preferences, providing flexibility in how you interpret and analyze the data.

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What determines if a Rule is Critical, Major, Medium or Minor?

The person creating the rule determines the 'Priority' of each rule, which can always be changed later. The guidelines we follow are as follows: - Critical: Elements that do not comply with this rule will negatively impact subsequent BIM uses. For example, a duplicate column can cause errors in planning, quantity take-off, etc. - Major: Elements that do not comply with this rule typically won't affect subsequent BIM uses significantly but may have a substantial impact in Revit. For instance, naming rules—if names are incorrect, users may spend more time deciphering meanings and automation could be hindered. - Medium: Elements that do not comply with this rule typically won't cause issues for deliverables like drawings but can negatively affect functionality in either Revit or programs utilizing data from Revit. For example, incorrectly setting the 'isStructural' property might not affect classification systems, but for data consistency, it's prudent to set this property correctly. - Minor: Elements that do not comply with this rule typically won't cause issues but are practical considerations. For instance, a DWG file that is not pinned.

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