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Advanced information

The DAQS Assist is a plugin compatible with Revit versions 2021 to 2024. This plugin allows you to analyze your models based on specific rules.

File and directory locations

There are 3 directory locations the DAQS Assist plugin uses:

  • Plugin location: where the actual plugin can be found.
  • User data: where user specific data is stored, like user settings for example.
  • Application logs: this is where the DAQS Assist plugin writes its log data.

Plugin location

There are 2 types of installers: SingleUser and MultiUser, which determines where the DAQS Assist plugin is installed:

  • SingleUser: This installs the plugin in the user's specific directory, by default the %AppData%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\[REVIT_VERSION]\Daqs.Assist\ directory. The plugin will only be available to the user who installed it. Other users on the same machine will not have access to the plugin.
  • MultiUser: This install the plugin in a common directory, by default the %ProgramData%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\[REVIT_VERSION]\Daqs.Assist\ directory. The plugin will be available to all users on the machine. Any user who logs into the machine will have access to the plugin.

The file appsettings.json in this directory holds the general config for the DAQS Assist plugin. For example:

  "DaqsAssistDownload": "",
  "DaqsBaseUrl": "",
  "DaqsApiPort": "",
  "DaqsApiBaseLocation": "api",
  "SuppressUpdateVersionNotification": false,
  "SendValidationSummary": true,
  "Serilog": {
    "OutputTemplate": "{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}",
    "MinimumLogLevel": "Information",
    "MinimumLogLevelFile": "Information",
    "MinimumLogLevelDebug": "Error"
    "Enabled": false,
    "Directory": "C:\\tmp\\Assist\\Results"

Some settings that can be changed are:

  • SuppressUpdateVersionNotification: this controls if the "There is an update" message be shown or not. If true the message is suppressed and not shown.
  • Serilog.MinimumLogLevelFile: With this you can control the amount / type of log messages are logged. See Different Log Levels in Serilog
  • ResultsOutput.Enabled and ResultsOutput.Directory: allows you to show the data Assist is using to do the validation. If set to true the data will be stored in the given Directory.
  • SendValidationSummary: setting this to false disables the logging of the validation summary.

User data location:

The directory where data is stored per user is: %UserProfile%\documents\DaqsAssist\. This directory -or the files within this directory- can safely be deleted.

This directory contains: - A file usersettings.json: The (config) data for the user. - A directory called BrowserTemp, containing temp files for the internal browser used by the DAQS Assist plugin. This directory is created when the browser is first used withing the Assist. This directory can be deleted without effecting the application.

The usersettings.json file contains configuration data specific to each user's preferences and interactions within the DAQS Assist plugin. Here's what it stores:

  1. LastSelectedProjectId: This records the last selected project ID.
  2. ApplicationTheme: Users can choose between a Light or Dark theme for their interface, and this preference is saved for future sessions.
  3. Token and Email: After a successful login, an encrypted access token is stored in the usersettings.json file. This token ensures that users remain logged in and can access the plugin seamlessly without the need to log in repeatedly. Importantly, this token is securely encrypted and cannot be utilized outside of the DAQS Assist plugin environment. It also has a defined expiration period for security purposes.
  4. PageSize: This setting determines the number of items displayed per page within the plugin interface. Users can adjust this value to suit their preferences for data presentation.
  5. RulesStates: The plugin remembers the user's last selected set of active rules, facilitating continuity and efficiency in their workflow.

Application logs:

Log data of the DAQS Assist plugin can be found at: - %AppData%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit YEAR\AddinsData\DAQS Assist YYYYMMDD.log

A new log file is created per day when using the DAQS Assist plugin application.

These logs can safely be deleted by the user.